Why We Serve
Ministry teams use their time and talents to serve Jesus by serving through FBCTV. Serving others is a fulfilling, God-ordained task, though it can be difficult to find a way to serve that works for you and your circumstances. Our service opportunities range from those that require only a sign-up and short commitment to ones that are more involved. We want to help you find the ministry team that is the best fit for you.
Below you will find a list of potential teams where you can use your gifts and serve FBCTV and the community. You can email the team leader directly or fill out the form at the bottom of this page and the team leader will contact you. If we can answer any questions or help you get involved with serving here at FBCTV, please let us know.
Find A Team
Let Us Help
Audio / Media
The Audio Team handles all the sound technology behind the scenes throughout the week and on Sunday mornings. They set the audio during rehearsals and soundcheck, and run the sound during the worship service. The Media Team handles all the PowerPoint and ProPresenter technology behind the scenes throughout the week and on Sunday mornings. They prepare the slides and any video in ProPresenter/PowerPoint before the service as well as the presentation during the worship service.
Commitment: 2 Sundays a month
Frequency: Ongoing
Team Leader: Tim Rasmussen
Contact: VVAUD222@aol.com
Communication / Publication
The Communication and Publicity Team plays a crucial role in promoting the ministries of the church, fostering community, and sharing the message of the church both internally and externally. Their efforts help to strengthen relationships within the church and extend the reach and impact of its ministries to the wider community.
Commitment: Ongoing
Frequency: Monthly
Team Leader: Jim Dezzutti
Contact: dezzuttijim@gmail.com
Congregational Care
A Congregational Care Team Member is a compassionate and dedicated individual within the FBCTV community who is committed to providing support, encouragement, and practical assistance to congregation members in times of need.
The Congregational Care Team demonstrates God’s love and compassion to the church family, offering practical assistance, emotional support, and spiritual care to those in need. Their ministry helps to foster a culture of care and compassion that reflects the heart of Christ.
Commitment: Ongoing
Frequency: Varies
Team Leader: Toby Magill
Contact: todojensen2@gmail.com
The Discipleship Team plays a vital role in nurturing the spiritual growth and maturity of church members, providing support, guidance, and resources to help individuals deepen their relationship with God and become more faithful followers of Jesus Christ.
A Discipleship Team member is a committed person within the FBCTV community who is focused on facilitating spiritual growth, training, and equipping the congregation towards Christ-like maturity.
Commitment: Ongoing
Frequency: Weekly
Team Leader: Dave Slaughter
Contact: dslaughter1159@outlook.com
A Church Fellowship Team member is an individual within FBCTV who is dedicated to fostering a sense of belonging, support, and camaraderie within the church. This team organizes and oversees various fellowship activities and events aimed at building relationships and strengthening the bond within the congregation.
The Church Fellowship Team plays a crucial role in fostering a sense of community, belonging, and mutual support within a church congregation, helping to strengthen relationships and deepen spiritual connections among its members.
Commitment: One Year
Frequency: Varies
Contact: church@fbctv.org
HomeGroup Host – You would open your home once a week for a small group meeting. All you need for this role is a heart for hospitality and a home.
HomeGroup Leaders – Shepherd a smaller flock in gospel application through doing life together with a HomeGroup from FBCTV. The responsibilities include leading discussion and prayer each week based on Sunday’s sermon, encouraging your members to be on a mission individually and as a group, and keeping in touch with each member of your group regularly.
Commitment: Weekly
Frequency: Ongoing
Team Leader: Kem Lindsay
Contact: klindsay@fbctv.org
FBCTV Men seeks to develop sacrificial servant leaders for the home, church, and the world. This ministry seeks to develop the spiritual health of the men of our church primarily through Bible study, relationships, and discipleship so they can experience the transformational power of God’s word and embrace godly leadership.
Commitment: Ongoing
Frequency: Varies
Contact: church@fbctv.org
FBCTV Women exists to discover, develop, and deploy the gifts of women for the mission of Jesus through FBCTV. It is a ministry by women for the church to help women know they are seen and valued and cared for by Jesus and in his church, to encourage and disciple women so they can share their gifts, and to see women investing their gifts in the mission of Christ’s kingdom.
Commitment: Varies
Frequency: Ongoing
Team Leader: Cindy Jeansonne, Karen Peterson, Sauni Rinehart
Contact: cindymaryp@gmail.com; dkpete326@gmail.com; Saunirinehart@gmail.com;
Our Greeters are the smiling faces that welcome people as they enter through the doors at FBCTV. They give information about many areas of the church – HomeGroups, Realm, serving, etc…. They help people get acclimated. Greeters are the face of FBCTV.
Commitment: Two Sundays a month
Frequency: Ongoing
Team Leader: Phil Rothrock and Jim Huntzicker
Contact: church@fbctv.org
A Church Livestream Team Member plays a crucial role in extending the reach of the church’s ministry beyond the physical walls of the building, allowing individuals to participate in worship, teaching, and community from anywhere in the world. This team’s efforts help create an inclusive and accessible worship experience for all members of the church community, both online and offline.
Commitment: Ongoing
Frequency: Weekly
Team Leader: Tim Rasmussen
Contact: vvaud222@aol.com
A Mission Team Member is a dedicated person within the FBCTV community who is passionate about participating in and supporting mission ministries locally, nationally, and internationally.
The Mission Team plays a vital role in mobilizing the church to engage in mission ministries that demonstrate God’s love and compassion to the world. Their efforts help to fulfill the church’s mandate to make disciples of all nations and to be a light to the world by sharing the name of Jesus.
Commitment: Three Years
Frequency: Varies
Team Leader: Bob Jurecic and Larry Denney
Contact: robertjc6@gmail.com ; ltd10798@gmail.com
Music / Worship
A Music and Worship Team Member is a talented and dedicated person within the FBCTV community who is responsible for leading and facilitating the music and worship elements of church services and events. This would include playing an instrument or singing.
The Music and Worship Team leads the congregation in meaningful and uplifting worship that draws people closer to God and inspires them to live lives of faithfulness and devotion. Their dedication, skill, and passion for worship contribute to the spiritual growth of the FBCTV congregation.
Commitment: Ongoing
Frequency: Weekly
Contact: church@fbctv.org
A Church Prayer Team member is a dedicated individual within a church community who is committed to the practice of prayer and intercession.
The Church Prayer Team plays a vital role in fostering a culture of prayer within the FBCTV community, providing spiritual support, encouragement, and intercession to help individuals grow in their relationship with God and experience His power and presence in their lives.
Commitment: One Year
Frequency: Monthly
Team Leader: Scott Pihlaja
Contact: spihlaja@comcast.net
Security / Closing
Our Security Team is tasked with ensuring the safety of our people on Sunday mornings and Wednesday evenings. They are responsible for walking our grounds during the service and working to protect access to the church. Everything they do is to ensure that the people attending FBCTV can worship and learn in a safe environment.
Commitment: One Sunday or Wednesday a month
Frequency: Ongoing
Team Leader: Gene Stapleton
Contact: church@fbctv.org
Wednesday Dinner
A Wednesday Dinner Crew Member is a volunteer within the church who comes together to organize and facilitate weekly dinners on Wednesday evenings. (Includes table decorations, meal prep, serving and cleanup)
The Wednesday Dinner Crew provides an excellent meal, hospitality, and community to members of the church family and the wider community. Through their service and dedication, they create a welcoming and inclusive space where people can come together to share a meal, build relationships, and experience the love of Christ in tangible ways.
Commitment: Ongoing
Frequency: Weekly
Team Leader: Sheryl Hirsch
Contact: hirschsh@aol.com