Together as redeemed people, who seek to glorify and worship God
Worship at our church is a sacred and dynamic expression of our love for God, grounded in the truth of Scripture and empowered by the Holy Spirit. Through passionate praise, heartfelt prayer, the proclamation of God’s Word, and fellowship with one another, we seek to glorify God, edify believers, and reach out to those who have yet to experience His grace. Our worship is welcoming and open to anyone seeking to encounter the presence of God and is characterized by authenticity, reverence, and a desire to exalt Jesus Christ above all else.
“Whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God” 1 Corinthians 10:31
Bible Study: 9:00 am
Service Time: 10:30 am
What to Expect
At FBCTV, we want to bring honor and glory to Jesus as we sing and learn from His Word. We want Jesus to be the name that you remember when you leave. As a church family, we come together to share our lives, encourage one another, and build meaningful relationships centered around our faith in Jesus Christ.

Part of our worship service includes singing songs to and about our God. We ask you to focus on the words. Consider the truths we are singing. As you learn them, join in singing praises to God.

Our worship service includes a time of preaching from the Bible. We believe the Bible to be God’s Word – our guide for faith and living. There are Bibles available in the pews or at the Welcome Center. As you listen, consider how you are to be shaped by the truths you are hearing.

Tithes & Offerings
If you are our guest, we are grateful that you are here and do not expect you to participate in giving. Our members and regular attendees give in the offering boxes in the back of the Sanctuary. For more information, select GIVING.
What is the Worship service like?
Worship exists to lead the people of God gathered at FBCTV to worship the one true God in spirit and truth, exalt His only son Jesus, and proclaim His Gospel in song and preaching His Word. We seek to do that with excellence, excitement, and humility, desiring all praise and glory to be ascribed to the almighty God, inviting all to join in the joy and wonder of worshiping Him.
What do I wear?
We want you to feel comfortable being yourself so you can connect genuinely. You will see people who dress in a range of different ways, from casual to coats and ties. We want you to be you as we come together!
What does the church believe?
We are a very diverse congregation, representing 20+ denominations, yet united under our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. We embrace our diversity and allow for a range of beliefs. Still, we need to fully understand the doctrinal foundation upon which we stand as a body of believers in the Southern Baptist Convention’s Baptist Faith and Message 2000.
What is most important to the Church?
We believe we are to Love God, Love Others, and Reach our world for Christ.
Is the church accessible for individuals with disabilities?
Ensuring accessibility for persons with disabilities is an essential aspect of care at FBCTV. We continually strive to improve accessibility, so that we can better serve persons with disabilities and create a more inclusive community where everyone feels valued and welcome.
How can I contact the church office or staff members if I have further questions?
Email church@fbctv.org or Phone 865-408-0110. The Church Office is open Monday through Thursday 9:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m.